Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wanted: Forensic Accounting Specialists

According to a recent article by Yahoo! News, forensic accounting is one of the top new careers offering a sexy new version of a traditional profession. Imagine CSI: Wall Street, a drama featuring a team of accountants brought in to unravel the pieces of a Ponzi scheme or insider trading deal gone wrong. With the passage of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform which includes the creation of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection as well as countless other regulatory reforms to be implemented and enforced, Washington's regulators have gone on a hiring binge. Thus, forensic accountants are in high demand. Even among consulting and auditing firms, forensic accounting practices are growing to meet the increased ethical scrutiny promoted both internally among companies as well as by regulators.

If you are looking for additional skills to make you more marketable or to reinvent yourself as an accountant, consider a career in forensic accounting. To become a forensic accountant, you must first become a licensed CPA. You will also need an additional forensic accounting industry certification such as the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) designation, which can be earned upon completing a bachelor's degree and passing the CFE exam. There is an advanced Certified Forensic Accountant certification, requiring additional training and expertise. To find out more about a profession in forensic accounting, visit The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Many online degree programs offer MBAs, bachelor's degrees, and certificates in investigative or forensic accounting that can enhance your career potential and expand your expertise.

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