Monday, April 19, 2010

CPA Exam Action Plan. Part I

Whether you're weeks away from graduation, starting a new job this year, or an experienced accountant who has decided to take their career a step further, the CPA exam is likely staring you in the face. It seems like an insurmountable test of cerebral strength, computational dueling, and an 18 month sentence to solitary confinement spent studying. Rather than focus on the negative, look at some of the great things about beginning your preparation for the CPA exam:
  • It should only last 18 months at the most. Thanks to the various state accountancy boards who administer the exam, you only have 18 months in which to pass all 4 parts. So even if it takes you the entire time to get through all 4 parts, it's not forever, right? Doctors and many other professionals are required to take periodic examinations throughout their careers. CPAs are different. Rumor has it the acronym actually stands for "Couldn't pass again!" So once you pass, you pass forever!
  • Think of all that free time you'll have when you're done studying? After committing to an intense period of study and surrendering most extracurricular activities, you'll really appreciate all of the free time you suddenly have once you finish your final exam.
  • You'll have an immense amount of professional and academic respect once you've conquered the CPA exam. Becoming a CPA opens doors for you to climb higher within the field of public accounting, or even to pursue a completely new career. Graduate and professional schools often hold CPAs in high esteem, because the title carries with it an implicit mark of self-discipline and professional expertise.
Now that you're focusing on all you have to look forward to after passing the CPA exam, it's time to roll up your sleeves and come up with an action plan to get there. Tomorrow I'll provide some tangible steps you can take in preparing for the exam.

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