Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day!

Well, it has come around again, the supposed crowning moment of every accountant's year: April 15th! For the 24% of America's 1.3 million accountants who work for CPA firms doing tax preparation among other things, today is the day you get your personal life back. For the other 76% of us who do not prepare taxes, not much has changed, other than the filing of our own personal tax return. I have always been on the auditing or financial reporting side of accounting, but never fail to receive comments on April 15th from family and friends about how relieved I must be that the IRS deadline has passed. So to all of those misunderstood, non-tax accounting professionals like myself, I hope you have a happy tax day!

(The above statistics were reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-11 Occupational Outlook Handbook.)

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